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From the narrative of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, we chose six stages, each represents a chapter or part of it, and built one of the world biggest mixed reality installation. From start to end the user undergoes immersion that consists of real and nature mimicking, virtual and augmented reality in such situations which demands the user to question him/her self and their logic and Western reasoning. A new form of presence and user experience will emerge! This project is conducted at the Designed Intelligence Group of the Department of Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology, supported by Microsoft Research in Cambridge (UK), the Department of Industrial Design and Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology.
[09/14] whole installation is dismanteld and stored With the introduction of the computer, its usage in a broad perspective has been under investigation. Originated from computer science but gradually created its own field named Human Computer Interaction with the integration of other related disciplines such as computer graphics, human factors, ergonomics, industrial engineering, cognitive psychology. Since the 60s there have been some major paradigms that can be discriminate in its evolvement: 1. personal computing, 2. cooperative computing, 3. social computing and 4. cultural computing. The role of the computer has changed dramatically with demanded from the field to come with solutions. The first paradigm is the Personal Computing with its user-system relations. With the implementation of the networked computer, the second paradigm is cooperative computing via rich interactive multimedia. This advanced into the third paradigm, social computing paradigm with community mediated interaction, with applications such as Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and the Internet with its communities. Last decade arise concepts e.g. mobile, normadic and ubiquitous technology with focus on personalized and intimate interaction both with positive experiences. Leaving the computer as main objective and point of attention but apply its functions by using it as a tool. Shared commonalities in these are 1. disappearing computer, 2. ease of use and positive experience and 3. building communities. Inspired by the work on the ZENetic computer of Naoko Tosa and Seigow Matsuoka (2003), Ryohei Nakatsu, Matthias Rauterberg and Benjamin Salem (2006) proposed a new paradigm for HCI, cultural computing which is based on Kansei Mediated Interaction. The latter is a form of multimedia communication that carries non-verbal, emotional and Kansei information (e.g. unconscious information). It is a combination of Kansei Communication (i.e., ‘content’) and Kansei Media (i.e., ‘form’). The main research objectives in Kansei Mediated Interaction are the underlying almost unconscious cultural determinants (see also Salem & Rauterberg, 2005; Rauterberg, 2009). The research arena on Cultural Computing is opened.
Sjriek Alers (electronics, stage operator) Aart van, J.; Bartneck, C.; Hu, J.; Rauterberg, M.; Salem, B. (2010). How to behave as Alice in Wonderland–about boredom and curiosity. Entertainment Computing, vol. 1, no. 3-4, pp.125-137. Bartneck C., Hu J., Salem B., Cristescu R. , Rauterberg M. (2008). Applying virtual and augmented reality in cultural computing. International Journal of Virtual Reality, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 11-18. Chang H.M., Ivonin L., Díaz M., Català A., Chen W., Rauterberg M. (2013). From mythology to psychology: Identifying archetypal symbols in movies. Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 99–113. Chang H.M., Ivonin L., Diaz M., Catala A., Chen W., Rauterberg M. (2013). Experience the world with archetypal symbols: A new form of aesthetics. In: N. Streitz, C. Stephanidis (eds.): Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions DAPI - HCI international (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8028, pp. 205–214), Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. Chang H.M., Ivonin L., Chen W., Rauterberg M. (2013). Feeling something without knowing why: Measuring emotions toward archetypal content. In: M. Mancas, N. d’ Alessandro, X. Siebert, B. Gosselin, C. Valderrama, T. Dutoit (eds.) Proceedings of Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment - INTETAIN (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol. 124, pp. 22–31). © Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering: Springer. Hu J., Bartneck C., Salem B., Rauterberg M. (2008). ALICE’s adventures in cultural computing. International Journal of Arts and Technology, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 102-118. Hu J., Bartneck C. (2005). Culture matters - a study on presence in an interactive movie. In M. Slater (Ed.), The 8th Annual International Workshop on Presence (PRESENCE 2005), 21-23 September 2005, London (pp. 153-159). London: International Society for Presence Research. Ivonin L., Chang H.M., Chen W., Rauterberg M. (2012). A new representation of emotion in affective computing. In: J. Luoluo (ed.) Proceedings International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction - ICACII 2012 (Lecture Notes in Information Technology, vol. 10, pp. 337-343), Delaware: Information Engineering Research Institute. Ivonin L., Chang H.M., Chen W., Rauterberg M. (2013). Automatic recognition of the unconscious reactions from physiological signals. In: A. Holzinger, M. Ziefle, M. Hitz, M. Debevc (eds.) Human Factors in Computing and Informatics – SouthCHI 2013 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7946, pp. 16-35), Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. Ivonin L., Chang H.M., Chen W., Rauterberg M. (2012). Unconscious emotions: Quantifying and logging something we are not aware of. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 663-673. Khoo E.T., Peiris R.L., Rauterberg M. (2011). 3D Guqin: Digital playground to explore music that embodies Chinese culture and philosophy. In: Proceedings 2nd International conference on Culture and Computing (pp. 145-146). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society. Kooijmans T., Rauterberg M. (2006). Advice from a caterpillar: An interactive experience about the self. In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC2006), Cambridge, UK, 2006. Kooijmans T., Rauterberg M. (2007). Cultural computing and the self concept: Towards unconscious metamorphosis. In: L. Ma, M. Rauterberg, and R. Nakatsu (Eds.): Entertainment Computing -ICEC, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS vol. 4740, pp. 171–181). Berlin: Springer. Nakatsu R., Rauterberg M., Salem B. (2006). Forms and theories of communication: From multimedia to Kansei mediation. Multimedia Systems, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 304-312. Nakatsu R., Rauterberg M., Vorderer P. (2005). A new framework for entertainment computing: from passive to active experience. In F. Kishino, Y. Kitamura, H. Kato and N. Nagata (Eds.), Entertainment Computing-ICEC, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS vol. 3711, pp. 1-12). Berlin: Springer. Nakevska M., Hu J., Langereis G., Rauterberg M. (2012). Alice's adventures in an immersive mixed reality environment. In: Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - ISMAR 2012 (pp. 303-304), Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press. Nakevska M., Markovski J., Rauterberg M. (2012). A model-driven engineering approach for immersive mixed-reality environments. In: J.C. Anacleto, E.W.G. Clua, F.S. Correa da Silva, S. Fels, H.S. Yang (eds.) Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2013 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8215, pp. 147-150), (c) IFIP - Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Nakevska M., Funk M., Hu J., Eggen B., Rauterberg M. (2014). Interactive storytelling in a mixed reality environment: How does sound design and users’ preknowledge of the background story influence the user experience?. In: A. Mitchell, C. Fernández-Vara, D. Thue (eds.) Interactive Storytelling - ICIDS 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8832, pp. 188-195), Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer. Nakevska M., van der Sanden A., Funk M., Hu J., Rauterberg M. (2014). Interactive storytelling in a mixed reality environment: The effects of interactivity on user experiences. In: Y. Pisan, N. Sgouros, T. Marsh (eds.) Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8770, pp. 52-59), Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer. Nakevska M., Van der Sanden A., Funk M., Hu J., Rauterberg M. (2017, preprint). Interactive storytelling in a mixed reality environment: The effects of interactivity on user experiences. Entertainment Computing, vol. x, no. y, pp. zz-zz. (online) [DOI] Rauterberg M. (2010). Emotions: The voice of the unconscious. In: H.S. Yang et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Entertainment Computing - ICEC, (LNCS vol. 6243, pp. 205-215), © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Rauterberg M., Hu J., Langereis G. (2010). Cultural computing - How to investigate a form of unconscious user experiences in mixed realities. In: R. Nakatsu, N. Tosa, F. Naghdy, K.W. Wong and P. Codognet (eds.) Proceedings of Entertainment Computing Symposium - ECS (IFIP AICT vol. 333, pp. 190-197), Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Rauterberg M. (2013). How is culture and cultural development possible?. In: Proceedings 4th International Conference on Culture and Computing - ICCC 2013 (pp. 177-178), IEEE Computer Society’s Conference Publishing Services. Rauterberg M. (2011). The three phases of life: An inter-cultural perspective. In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Culture and Computing (pp. 80-85). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society. Rauterberg M. (2009). Entertainment computing, social transformation and the quantum field. In: A. Nijholt, D. Reidsma, H. Hondorp (Eds.): Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment-INTETAIN, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences (LNICST vol. 9, pp. 1-8). Berlin: Springer. Rauterberg
M. (2008).
Hypercomputation, unconsciousness and entertainment technology. In P.
Markopoulos, B. de Ruyter, W. IJsselstein and R. Duncan (Eds.), Proceedings
of Fun and Games 2008 Second International Conference, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS vol. 5294, pp. 11-20). Berlin: Springer. Rauterberg M. (2006). Usability in the future –explicit and implicit effects in cultural computing. In: AM. Heinecke, H. Paul (Eds.): Mensch & Computer 2006: Mensch und Computer im StrukturWandel (pp. 29-36). München, Oldenbourg Verlag. Rauterberg M. (2006). From Personal to Cultural Computing: How to assess a cultural experience. Paper presented as keynote at “Usability-Day IV”, 9 June 2006, Vorarlberg, Dornbirn, Austria. Rauterberg
M. (2004).
Enjoyment and entertainment in East and West. In: M. Rauterberg (Ed.),
Entertainment Computing--ICEC, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS
vol. 3166; pp. 176-181). Berlin: Springer. 2011: invited presentation at VTT in Helsinki (Finland) [PDF]
2009: invited
presentation at
DARWIN workshop (JP) [PDF]
[YouTube] [wmv
keynote at FUN&GAMES conference (NL) [PDF]
presentation at
2006: invited
presentation at Ubimedia symposium (FI) [PDF]
Curtis (2002). The century of the self. [BBC series
2009 demo video
[mp4 92MB] [wmv
12MB] [mp4 210MB] [wmv
Pictures of the construction phase [pics]
stage 2 "down
the rabbit hole":
stage 3 "eat-me
and drink-me in the hall":
stage 4 "pool of
stage 5 "advice
from a caterpillar":
stage 6 "chat
with Cheshire cat":
Project ALICE –
Google Rauterberg Related websites:
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